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Daily Schedule

At Nurtured in Nature, we follow a strict routine. The predictability of this routine helps our learners feel confident and secure in the classroom. 


Morning Care *

This time is part of our extended day program. During morning care, children are able to use the materials as they please and participate in art projects, sensory activities, etc.


Drop-off/ Quiet Play

Our doors will open promptly at 8:30am. As children arrive, they are calmly greeted and will hang their backpack, take off their coat, and put away their shoes. After this, they are encouraged to find an activity and quietly play with others as the rest of the children arrive. 


Morning Meeting

Morning meetings are our time to bond as group, reviewing the calendar, weather, weekly plans, etc. If any Montessori materials need to be introduced to the group, that will be done so at this time.


Work Cycle

During this time, your child will pick activities from the Montessori shelves. This can be an art project, math work, geography lesson, language (reading and writing) practice, etc. 


Snack/ Classroom Reset

During snack, the teacher will read a book aloud to the class. After every learner is finished eating, they will work together to clean up after our morning work cycle and snack-time.


Outdoor Exploration

After a quick meeting, learners will put on their shoes and head to the backyard. Outside, the child can "cook" in the mud kitchen, tend to the garden, play with the water/sensory tables, build an obstacle course, and much more. 


Lunch *

A story will be read to the learners while they eat. Once finished, they will clean up after themselves, and prepare for nap-time. 



If a child does not fall asleep within the first 30 minutes of nap-time, they will be offered a quiet activity instead. At 3pm, the lights will gradually be turned on, and if a child does not wake on their own, we will gently wake them.


Free Play/ Pick-up Time *

Children can choose any activity to play in a group, or alone. Before leaving, the learners must clean up after themselves.


After-care *

This time is reserved for the second part of our extended day program. Similar to morning care, the children will be able to participate in many of the activities we offer in the classroom. 

*  Can be an indoor or outdoor activity, depending on weather.

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