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Your Child's Learning Journey Begins Here


Our Philosophy

At Nurtured in Nature, we believe a holistic environment is key for development. We provide a nurturing and educational experience for children aged 2-5, with a range of services including our extended day program. Given freedom in our prepared environments, children are able to grow to be independent, confident, and respectful individuals. 

Health & Safety

The health and safety of our learners is our top priority. We maintain a clean and safe environment, with regular cleaning and disinfecting of materials and surfaces. All staff will be trained in first aid and CPR, and we will have emergency procedures in place to ensure the well-being of all children. We will follow ALL licensing regulations regarding health and safety, and we are proud to be able to provide the safest learning environment we can.

Hands in nitrile gloves are cleaning and disinfecting toys_edited.jpg

Fun & Creativity


Art activities play a key role in our classroom. While preparing them for writing by improving fine motor skills, art also allows the child to express themselves, fosters creativity, and boosts self-esteem. Here at Nurtured in Nature, will have art shelves (indoors and outdoors) stocked with a variety of materials, so your child can be free to create.

Practical Life Skills

Practical life skills are crucial in a Montessori inspired environment. These activities can be presented in real-life examples throughout our school day, or in the work provided on the shelves. Real-life examples include washing tables after snack and lunch-time, sweeping during classroom reset, dusting the classroom, or watering our plants.  

Core Skills

At Nurtured in Nature, we find core skills very important for developing minds. We define core skills as language (pre-reading+pre-writing) and math practice. While we do value these subjects, your child will NEVER be forced to complete any activity.  

Social Development

In our classroom, your child will learn how to interact with their teacher and peers through observation and imitation. We will practice behaviors we want to be imitated. This includes greeting each other upon arrival, taking turns, sharing items (never forced), and collaborating with each other during the school day.

Outdoor Education

We find learning in nature to be very beneficial to young learners. We will spend the majority of our day outdoors, promoting creativity, gross motor development, and problem solving skills. Our outdoor environment will be stocked with a mud kitchen, garden, sensory tables, and open-ended outdoor materials.

Holistic Development

We will focus on educating the WHOLE child. This means while progressing academically, your child will also learn how to regulate their emotions, how to treat others, how to care for themselves, etc.

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